
Happy Saturday Hero!

It’s Michael here (👋), with Part 3 of our special little series inspired by the amazing wins and celebrations coming in from our Heroic Workshop Instructors.

In Part 1, we celebrated the ripples being spread around the world by the 100+ individuals from more than 100+ cities (33 states and 13 countries!) who just got trained in Austin last month.

In Part 2, we celebrated a few recent examples of people using the Heroic Workshop to expand their income and impact in their local communities.

Today, we’re going to wrap it up with a quick, big-picture look at how the Heroic Coach + Heroic Workshop Instructor programs fit together, and why we’re so excited about their impact on an individual and collective level!

Note: You don’t have to be a Heroic Coach to become a Heroic Workshop Instructor! Each of them also stands alone!

The super short story?!

If you want to earn (or expand!) a living by helping others to flourish, we want to help you do that.

Because that’s the only way we’re going to change the world, together. 51 | 2051.

Forge excellence. Activate your Heroic potential. Fulfill your destiny. Change the world with us. 

Here’s a quick look at how.

Note: We also touched on some of this during yesterday’s Town Hall discussion on Heroic events + Coach + Workshops + more. Watch that replay here.

Note2: Coach Class XXIV starts July 15th, and we’ve got upcoming Heroic Workshop Instructor training events in both Phoenix and Athens! And if you want to do BOTH Coach Class XXIV and an upcoming HWIT event, just reply to this email or book a call to chat with us about how to save $2,000 by bundling.


To kick things off, check out this goosebumps-inspiring story from Octavio, a Class XI Certified Heroic Coach and Class I Certified Heroic Workshop Instructor:

“Heroic has made it to where I knew who I am. I'm a better person. I'm a better man. I'm a better father. I'm a better partner. I am better as a colleague at work, in whatever it is that I do. Energy, work and love. I'm better.

I just can't imagine my life without heroic, my relationships, my coaching practice, and how I will continue to use those tools to be my very best.

I'm 62. Last year, I got my HEROIC tattoo, because I believe in the program, I believe in Heroic. 

I am the person that I dreamed of being. Heroic is why. And I'm not exaggerating.

The beauty of the program is that it works for whoever you are, and however you are in the world. 

If you're on the fence, if you're thinking, ‘Will that work for me?’ … Are you alive? Or a human being? Then it will work for you. You, too can be Heroic. You too can be your best. But you've got to try. We never hit the ball if we don't swing. Take that first step. That's all. Take the first step and then the other and then the other.

Whatever is next. Whatever happens, I've trained for that. I'm ready. 

Heroic can do that for you too.”

😳 🤯

Feel into the impact YOU could create—for yourself and those around your—if you were a better person, parent, partner, colleague, and Coach. More energized, productive, and connected than ever before.

If you knew that, whatever happens next, you’ve TRAINED for it, and you’re ready!

IMPORTANT: It’s also always a great idea to remember that no matter HOW advanced we are, there’s will ALWAYS be another next, best version of us waiting to be actualized.

We just need to embrace the next (never-ending!) waves of pain, uncertainty, and constant hard work (PUH and PUCW 💩 🤮) as we JOYFULLY jump in + close the gap + live with Areté.


Doing whatever we can to support YOU in being the best version of yourself, and then empowering you to help OTHERS to do the same, is the most powerful force multiplier effect we can create.

That’s why we launched our 300-day Heroic Coach program over five years ago, and doubled-down this year on becoming the among the best in the world at helping you do three things:

  1. Be the best version of yourself. (Period.)

  2. Help others to be the best version of themselves.

  3. Make money creating a positive impact on the world.

(Client #0. Client #1. Dollar #1.)

Note: Over the past six months, we’ve developed a brand-new series of Heroic Performance Coaching sessions (with playbooks, worksheets, and more), additional content on how to build a business as a Coach (enrollment best-practices, tech-enablement tools, and more), a new collection of community-taught Coaching skills, and more.


It’s also why we launched our 3-day intensive Certified Heroic Workshop Instructor training.

As discussed over the past few days (and weeks), we’re incredibly proud of how powerfully this new Workshop training supports each of those same three goals. 


It ALWAYS starts with us BEING the best version of ourselves.

(Which is why we love hearing things like: “This is the single best personal and professional development training that I’ve ever been to… and I’ve been to a lot of them!” 🔥)

Then we need to make the transition from Hero to Guide, helping OTHERS to be the best version of THEMSELVES, too!

(Which is why all of those stories of impact coming in from Heroic Workshops being facilitated around the world are so goosebumps inspiring! 🌟)

And… if we want to be able to do that for a prolonged period of time—even dedicating our lives to it—then we also need to tend to the “red blood cells” and make sure we’re making money doing so!

(Which is why it’s been so fun to see the financial successes also coming in, whether that’s the “more money than I’ve ever made in such a short period of time,” variety or the “at the end of the workshop, multiple participants said they were interested in 1:1 Coaching!” variety.)

As a Heroic Coach, you’ll learn to facilitate powerful transformations over an extended period of time—starting with yourself and extending to other individuals and/or groups and/or organizations.

As a Heroic Workshop Instructor, you’ll learn to facilitate powerful short-form experiences that can serve as stand-alone impact + income events AND as catalysts for client creation and ongoing support.

All while becoming a Heroic local leader in your community.

With world-class tools + resources + guidance + an inspired community alongside you every step of the way.


As Brian commented on Adam’s post that we shared in Part 1:

“I can literally FEEL the dynamic ripples radiating out into the world!”

What ripples will YOU spread?!

Forge excellence.

Activate your Heroic potential.

Fulfill your destiny.

And change the world with us.

Day 1.

All in.

Let’s GOOOO!!!

-Michael and Team Heroic

P.S. Want to chat with a recent Coach grad about Coach Class XXIV (starts July 15th!) or one of the upcoming Heroic Workshop Instructor training events in Pheonix or Athens?! 

Book a call here!

(And if you’re fired up about both (!!!) you can save $2,000 when you bundle Class XXIV with either of the HWIT events!) 

P.P.S. One of the questions that came up in the Town Hall was what support looked like for Workshop Instructors looks like pre- and post-training event! Here’s quick little grid with some of the details*:

*As with all things, specific details subject to change!

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