Three stories of immediate impact + income
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Michael here (🙌), with the promised follow-up Part 2 to yesterday’s update on the positive ripples that Heroic Workshop Instructors are spreading around the world. (Read Part 1 here.)

Today, I want to share a few stories on the “impact + income” power of these Heroic Workshops. Plus, how they connect with Heroic Coach.

We’ll talk more about that connection, along with our vision for Coach + Workshop Instructors + Ambassadors in Part 3!

(Note: Another reminder that Class XXIV starts July 15th! And we’ve also got two upcoming Workshop Instructor training events! Bundle both and save $2,000!)


On Tuesday afternoon, we had our bi-weekly community call with the group of Heroic Workshop Instructors that got trained in Austin last month.

After one of the breakout sessions, Kimmy sent a chat message encouraging us to hear Chris’s story.

Here’s a snapshot of what he shared:

I work as an executive coach. I have clients, and this was one of my bigger clients. And I told him, “I have a workshop I want to pilot.” I can do it for 10 of his people. I charged him a half day--for me, that's $1,500.

I was sharing with the group the biggest impact for me... I'd practiced individual sections, I delivered individual sections, but I'd never delivered the workshop. And the biggest thing that hit me was, there's a golden thread that runs through, that I don't know if you designed it intentionally. (And if you didn’t, you guys are just tapped into the universe.)

From the beginning of flip the switch to get yourself in the right space, and then their WIG's, and then the hero bars... I followed the exact outline.

One guy at the end, what he said, two of them came up to me and they're like, "Okay, this is so amazing. Like, I absolutely get what you mean by antifragile confidence."

In the follow up when I talked to him, everybody had a concrete knowledge of behaviorally, what antifragile confidence was—not a theoretical understanding of what it would be like to one day be more confident.

And that was the most compelling outcome of the workshop.

It is brilliant design. It's not good. It is brilliant design. And I followed the playbook, exactly. And I did not intend to do that thread that way. I'd never delivered it fully. And so I didn't see it. And when you deliver it the way it's designed there is…it is brilliantly designed to build to a crescendo of absolute confidence and certainty that you can close the gap and live with Areté and eudaimonia.

It's, I mean, it's brilliant. It's really freakin' good.

Let’s GOOOO!

Couple quick notes on Chris’s story.

First: oh my goodness! (!!!) THANK YOU Chris. That’s EXACTLY the kind of impact we wanted to empower you to create with the Heroic Workshop, and it’s absolutely incredible to feel the power of the experiences you (and all of our other Workshop Instructors!) are facilitating out in the world.

Second: it only takes a handful of events like that for someone to cover their investment in the Heroic Workshop Instructor training. 🙌


Earlier today, at the Town Hall for our upcoming events in Phoenix and Athens (recording coming soon!), another Heroic Workshop Instructor raised her hand to celebrate her paid workshop and setting a personal record for the most amount of money she’d earned that quickly. (Great work, Daniela! 🎉)

It’s so fun to hear those celebrations come in, unprompted, on nearly back-to-back live calls.

I said “nearly,” because, in-between the Workshop Instructor session and the Town Hall, we also had a Live Coaching with our Coaches.

(Brian, Alexandra, me, and our Coach Luminary Guest Faculty connect live with our community of Heroic Coaches several times every month).

THAT live session also had a related win, this time from Heroic Coach and Workshop Instructor Beth Egge.

Here’s Beth, sharing a little about her journey with Heroic so far:

I'm Beth Egge, and I've been following Heroic for 12 to 15 years. Somewhere in that range.

I didn't have a lot of hope. I had a lot of despair. But the idea that if I could just figure out how to close that gap and be a little bit happier, I would take it.

The other thing that drew me was that nothing he said was prescriptive. I had had a lot of people saying, all you gotta do is A, B, C, X, Y, Z. He never said that. He would say, here's this idea from this person and here's the science behind it, and here's how you might apply it to your life.

Try it if you are so inclined. See if it works for you.

That's what I started doing 12 to 15 years ago. One idea at a time, one little thing that I could handle in my current condition, in my constraints of reality. And I changed my life.

Fast forward to Coach Class II. I was too scared to do Coach Class I. I got brave, I did it, and now it's changing my life yet again.

(Nice work Beth!)


On Tuesday’s Live Coaching call, Beth and I connected on how to take the next steps to “turn pro” in her Coaching business.

We covered a TON of ground, both on the strategic side and on the “need to learn to LOVE the pain, uncertainty, and hard work” side.

(Coaches can check the recording here!)


Get this…

SHE had ALSO just delivered one of her first Heroic Workshops, in this case to the seven members of a bike group she rides with.

And at the end of the workshop, two of the participants told her they were interested in 1-on-1 Coaching.

(We teach our Workshop Instructors best practices to offer ongoing work, as well as provide them with tools for moving those relationships forward as well!)

So, of course, we had fun talking about how to immediately apply Stutz’s Laws of Action (aka “Page 1”) and take the next steps to powerfully serve those individuals and continue to increase the impact and income of the work she’s doing.

Note: That’s EXACTLY the kind of additional tool we wanted to create for our Coaches looking to build their practice—the ability to deliver tight, transformational, world-class experiences through the Heroic Workshop that can also lead to client creation and ongoing Coaching relationships.

Heroic Coach + Heroic Workshop Instructor = 🔥

That’s Part 2 of our special update.

And a little bit more about how we’re excited to support YOU in answering the call to BE one of the heroes that our world needs now more than ever.

Plus, (if it’s your thing!) to create (or expand) income and impact by helping others flourish as a Heroic Coach and Heroic Workshop Instructor.

It’s time for us to…

Forge excellence.

Activate our Heroic potential.

Fulfill our destiny.

And change the world. together.


-Michael and Team Heroic

P.S. In Part 3, we’re going to continue exploring how Heroic Coach and Heroic Workshops fit together, along with more details on upcoming events and our commitment to helping you WIN!

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