Michael here. ✌️
Hope that you had a fantastic weekend!
We’re pretty fired up (!!!) 🔥 over here on the Coach team, as we’re now officially into one of our favorite modules: Carpe Diem! SEIZE THE DAY!!!*
(*with the relevant disclaimers about how you can’t actually seize the day, but only the moment (Carpe Punctum!), and also that Carpe doesn’t mean “seize” so much as it means “to pluck.”)
We’ll be systematically architecting our Masterpiece Days throughout the course of six sessions, starting with this week’s session, and continuing next week as we look to Optimize our PM Bookends.
But before we get ahead of ourselves:
Watch:Module IV: Carpe Diem - Part 1: The Big Picture. (PDF of the poster + worksheets here.) If we’re serious about moving from Theory to Practice to Mastery then we need to know one very (!) important fact: TODAY’S the Day!! In this session, we’ll look at the big picture, meet the reporter who’s always following you around, learn about the importance of knowing and EXECUTING our protocol. (Know this: the worse we feel, the MORE committed we need to be to executing our protocol!) We’ll also take a v1 pass at our Masterpiece Day template.
Practice:Complete the Wave the Wand Masterpiece Day reflection and do some Time Tracking. In what ways does you time align with your Masterpiece Day? In what ways is it not in alignment? What’s one small tweak you can make today?
Connect with your Heroic Buddy.
Heroic Buddy Prompts
1 - What does your current ideal AM Bookend look like? How do you start your days at your best?
2 - What does your current ideal PM Bookend look like? How do you end your days at your best? (And prepare yourself to start the next day at your best?!)
3 - How can I support you in staying accountable to the most important components of your Masterpiece Day?
Live Calls
For the most up-to-date live call information for all live sessions, please be sure to add the Heroic Coach Calendar to your calendar.
Let’s Make it a Great Week!
One day at a time.
Love + Soul hugs + High fives 🙌
-Michael and Team Heroic Coach |