

Happy Friday. 

Before we get into what happened this week, let’s zoom out and look at the big picture.

We’re now almost a third of the way through the Heroic Coach program (🥳) and at a perfect point to chat about one of our favorite +1s: Recommitment. (Which is a required +1!)

As Brian shares:

“Even with a super strong initial commitment, the fact is we’re going to fall short of the standards we set for ourselves.

What then?

Then we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and RECOMMIT.

Again. And again. And again.

Think of it like this: Imagine an airplane. Let’s say we’re flying from Los Angeles to Tokyo. The pilots have (obviously) made a 100% commitment to getting us there. But guess what?

Although they have clarity on their ultimate destination and they’re committed to getting there, they’re also OFF TRACK most of the trip. The wind blows them a little this way. They drift a little that way. No big deal. Slight adjustment. Back on track. Again and again and again.

That’s how we want to be.”

So… Let’s recommit! 💪

Recommit to the Goals you’ve set—or the new Goals that are more alive for you now.

Recommit to the process—in whatever way works best for you.

Recommit to diligently, patiently, and persistently studying the Wisdom.

Recommit to your Fundamentals—eating, moving, sleeping (Digital Sunsets!), breathing, being present (meditation!), being grateful, and prospering (Carpe Diem Journal!) more deeply than you ever have before.

Recommit to your Optimize Buddy—being the kind of supportive partner that you want to work with.

Know (KNOW (!!!)) that you’ve got what it takes, and that we’re just getting started. 

Let’s. Do. This.
This Week’s Actions (Recap)

  • Watch:Module IV: Carpe Diem - Part 4: Energy. (PDF of the poster + worksheets here.) With our AM and PM Bookends coming together, we’re ready to Optimize our Energy throughout the day. Too many of us go through our days constantly “on” and, as a result, feeling a sense of what we call “enervated anxiety” (a close relative of burnout and bleh). To help the cause, we’ll teach you how to create a deep sense of “Energized Tranquility” by systematically creating rhythms to our days that enable us to show up as our best selves more and more consistently throughout the day and over the years and decades ahead. (Boom!) 

  • Practice: We had TWO #1’s Practices this week: the Enervator & Energizer reflection, and the “Needs Work” action. 

  • Connect with your Heroic Buddy.

Heroic Buddy Prompts

1 - What are your biggest enervators? What energizers will you replace them with?
2 - What did you do this week to Optimize your energy?
3 - What did you do well this week in your PM and AM bookends? What needs work? How can I continue to support you in Optimizing them?
Sneak Peak of Next Week

Mastery Series: We have an “off” week from the Mastery Series. 

Live Coaching:

For the most up-to-date live call information for all live sessions, please be sure to add the Heroic Coach Calendar to your calendar.

Make It a Curiosity-Filled Weekend!

-Michael + Team Heroic Coach

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