Happy Friday, Hero!
Michael here...
Now, I wanted to let you
I’m typing this with a heart full of gratitude: for life, our team, my family, Brian, our community, changing weather patterns, a planet that supports water (and vegetation!), another day, another breath, and —of course — for YOU! 🙏
What are some things you’re grateful for today? And why?!
Feeling gratitude for what’s awesome in life is (again!) one of the key virtues we want to get good at practicing.
Now… This Week’s Actions (Recap)
Watch:Module II: Hero-ology – Part 3: Scientific Target Practice. (PDF of the poster + worksheets here.) In which we learn the science of
how to make our goals a reality via WOOP, increase our motivation, cultivate grit, and Optimize our courage en route to maintaining dynamic tension and dynamic equilibrium while aiming ourselves toward our Universal, Unique, and Ultimate quests.
Practice: Continue to WOOP at least one thing in your life every day. 💪
Connect with your Heroic Buddy.
Heroic Buddy Prompts 1 - What big idea from Module II most resonated with you? 2 - In what ways did you grow stronger this past week? 3 - What’s currently challenging you, and what tools might you use to overcome it? Sneak Peek of Next Week
Mastery Series: Module III: The Big 3 (x2). We’ll be hanging out with Michelangelo in his studio and get to work sculpting our ideal selves via our Big 3: Energy + Work + Love. How? By getting clarity on our Optimus best Identities + Virtues + Behaviors.
Note: As part of Module III: The Big 3 (x2), we’ll also be introducing our first
Fundamental Practice that you’ll be encouraged to complete on a daily basis. ✍️
You can also use the Heroic App to complete and track this first Fundamental practice. (This will be the easiest + fastest way to practice this fundamental!)
Live Calls Next Week:
For the most up-to-date live call information for all live sessions, please be sure to add the Heroic Coach Calendar to your calendar.
Appreciate You! Soul Hugs 🤗 + High Fives 🙌 + Let’s Do This!
-Michael + Team Heroic Coach