Congratulations on completing your first week of Heroic Coach!
Each week, we’ll send a short Wrap Up with key actions and a preview of what’s ahead. Some emails, especially early on, are longer to ensure you have
everything you need—but if you’re short on time, just focus on the Weekly Actions.
🎯 Week 1 Actions:
Watch: Module O: Optimize = Optimus = Best = Eudaimon = Hērō. (Includes poster + worksheets!)
Practice: Flip the Switch (all day, every day!) & run The Ultimate Optimizing Algorithm.
Heroic App Connection: Learn how to add the “Live with Areté” target to your protocol & introduce yourself on Heroic social via this
💡 Big 3 Protocol: Again, be sure to set up your Big 3 Protocol via the Practice tab in the app. We’ll dive deeper in Module III, and from then on, you’ll commit to your protocol (at least) 5/7 days a week.
🔗 Helpful Links
📍 Journey Map: Your weekly roadmap through the program. 📱 App Tutorials: Quick videos to help you navigate Heroic. ☎️ Book an
Onboarding Call: Let’s ensure you’re set up for success!
🔥 Next Week: Module I – Eudaimonology
We’ll define the game that we’re playing, hang out with Aristotle, Abraham Maslow and Martin Seligman, discover that the word “psychology” literally means “the study of the soul” and commit to studying what a “good soul” (aka eudaimonia) looks like as we, most importantly, learn how to master the process of high-fiving our inner souls all day every day by operationalizing virtue.
Module I unlocks Sunday at 12:00 AM EST.
🏆 Live + Luminary Coaching
The core of your journey is the Coach Modules. The Live Heroic Coaching calls are powerful supplements.
Try to join us for at least one call per month to train with the community!
At the start of each month, check the Live Coaching call calendar. Pick a date or a faculty member you’re excited about, and join us!
🙌 Well done!!!
Love + Soul hugs 🤗 + High fives,
- Michael & Team Heroic Coach
P.S. Download all program worksheets here.