🙌 🥳 🤗 🎉
WELL DONE on completing the final of the Heroic Coach Modules.
We started with Module O: an introduction to the Heroic Coach Modules and Optimize = Optimus = Best = Eudaimōn = Hērō.
In Module I, we covered Eudaimonology: the study of a good soul and how to operationalize virtue via ancient wisdom + modern science + practical tools.
In Module II, we explored Hero-ology: the study of a good hero and how to create antifragile confidence + heroic courage + response-ability, through (1) The Big Picture, (2) Hero Training & Tools, and (3) Scientific Target Practice.
Module III introduced us to The Big 3 (x2): (Energy + Work + Love) x (Identity + Virtues + Behaviors).
In Module IV, we create masterpiece days via Carpe Diem: (1) The Big Picture, (2) The PM Bookend, (3) The AM Bookend, (4) Energy, (5) Work, (6) Love, and (7) Carpe Week’em.
Then, Module V helped us use our willpower wisely to install habits that run on autopilot via Algorithms: (1) The Big Picture, (2) Install, (3) Delete, and (4) Power Algorithms.
In Module VI, we focused on The Fundamentals: (1) The Big Picture, (2) Eat, (3) Move, (4) Sleep, (5) Breathe, (6) Focus, (7) Celebrate, (8) Prosper.
This week, we wrapped it all up with Module VII: Optimus You. (What’s YOUR Philosophy? And more importantly, are you committed to practicing it? 🙌)
After next week’s “off week,” we’ll be moving into Pillars #2 and #3 of the Heroic Coach program. More information about all that on Monday.
For now:
This Week’s Actions (Recap)
Watch: Module VII: Optimus You (PDF of the poster + worksheets here), in which we conclude the Heroic Coach Modules with a renewed commitment to move from Theory to Practice to Mastery, remind ourselves that it's always Day 1, revisit ALL of the wisdom we’ve explored together, and take three more quick trips (to heaven, hell, and our eulogy celebration) before re-installing the Ultimate Optimizing Algorithm and going forward towards the next best version of ourselves.
Heroic App Connection: Two key Practices. On the Action side of things, we revisited our very first Practice: the Ultimate Optimizing Algorithm. (Connect + Embody + Do!) On the Reflection side of things, you’re going to create (and share!) a personal “handbook” distilling YOUR Top 10 Big Ideas with Your Heroic Handbook. (← We can’t wait to see what you come up with!!!)
Sneak Peek of Next Week
Heroic Coach Modules: You get to celebrate completing the Heroic Coach Module Videos with an “off-week” of content before diving into Pillar #2 (Coaching Excellence) and Pillar #3 (Coaching Prosperity).
Soul Hugs 🤗 + High Fives 🙌 + Let’s Do This!
-Michael + Team Heroic Coach |