
Hey, Hero!

Michael here. ✌️

Hope you’re having a fantastic Monday!

Let’s start with a quick check in on your Goals / Wildly Important Targets: how are they doing?

Did you take the time to clarify what you’re excited to accomplish over the next few weeks/months/years in Energy, Work, and Love, both in this program, and beyond?

If you haven’t yet, do it now!

Wave the wand. Fast forward to the end of the year. What have you achieved Energy-wise? Work-wise? Love-wise?

KNOW that you have what it takes to make it happen.

And know that we’re here to support you along the way. Starting with (or, more appropriately, continuing with):


  • Watch: Module IV: Carpe Diem - Part 4: Energy (PDF of the poster + worksheets here.) With our AM and PM Bookends coming together, we’re ready to optimize our Energy throughout the day. Too many of us go through our days constantly “on” and, as a result, feeling a sense of what we call “enervated anxiety” (a close relative of burnout and bleh). To help the cause, we’ll teach you how to create a deep sense of “Energized Tranquility” by systematically creating rhythms to our days that enable us to show up as our best selves more and more consistently throughout the day and over the years and decades ahead. (Boom!) 

  • Heroic App Connection: Swap out Enervators for Energizers. Move Module IV.4 into practice by adding the “Ultradian Oscillation” target to your Energy protocol.

Let’s Go!!!

Love + Soul hugs + High fives 🙌

-Michael and Team Heroic Coach

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