

Happy Friday!

Before we get to this week’s Wrap Up: a quick celebration, then some clarification on your most asked questions.

First, the celebration: THANK YOU to everyone who has taken the time to fill out the 100-Day Feedback Survey.

(If you haven’t yet filled out that survey, please do so here.)

Next, answers to common questions!

Q: How can I earn a Certification? Is there a test?
A: Full details can be found in this article. On a high level, you’ll be asked to self-report your progress (and that of your Heroic Buddy and/or Boat Crewmates!) via a survey.

Requirements for earning a certification are:

  • Complete all required elements of your Coach Modules

  • Be an awesome Heroic Buddy and/or Boat Crewmate

  • Practice the Seven Fundamentals 5/7 days per week (The Heroic app is perfect for tracking these)

  • Complete an Energetic Best Challenge (more on that below) 

  • And no, no test.

Q: When does the Coach Training happen?
A: The 6-part Coach Training Series will be released towards the end of the program after we’ve finished working our way through the Mastery Series.

And… you’re ALREADY training to be a Coach. 😄

Deeply mastering all of the Wisdom (and Practices) from the Mastery Series + your commitment to and demonstration of what’s possible by LIVING what you know to be true = your greatest asset (and training!) for being a powerful and prosperous Coach.

Q: How do we prove that we’re practicing the fundamentals 5/7 days per week?
A: Our current validation method is a self-reported Certification Survey that’s also validated by your Heroic Buddy and/or Boat Crewmates.

We’ll also continue to introduce various worksheets, etc. for manual tracking. (Including a weekly scorecard.)

And, the Heroic app is going to be the best option for tracking.

Q: What day does the program end, and what happens then?
A: The 300th day of the program is May 11th, 2025. 🥳

Everyone who has earned a Certification by that date (which will be validated via the Certification Survey mentioned above) will get emailed a copy of their Diploma Declaration for printing + framing + signing.



This Week’s Actions (Recap)

  • Watch: Module IV: Carpe Diem - Part 3: The AM Bookend (PDF of the poster + worksheets here.) With a solid PM Bookend installed, we’re ready to show up like a Boss in the morning—waking up feeling energized and ready to do some of our most important Big 3 goodness BEFORE we enter the world of inputs. We’ll begin installing a solid AM protocol, including a meditation and Carpe Diem telos practice and, if you can swing it with your idiosyncratic constraints, some Deep Work, Deep Energy, and Deep Love time blocks. 

  • Heroic App Connection: Move Module IV.3 into practice by adding the “Meditation” target to Energy protocol and the “Creative Before Reactive” target to your Work protocol.

Sneak Peek of Next Week

Mastery Series: Module IV: Carpe Diem - Part 4: Energy. We’re going to have some fun creating rhythms, training our recovery, and consistently flipping the switch into our energetic best.

Lets Be Heroic!

-Michael + Team Heroic Coach

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