

Happy Friday!

Before we get to this week’s Wrap-Up, a quick celebration then some clarification.

First, the celebration: THANK YOU to everyone who has taken the time to fill out the 200-Day Feedback Survey. (If you haven’t yet filled out that survey, please do so here.)

Next, clarification, on your responses to the question: “What about the program, if anything, is currently unclear for you?”

Q: How can I earn a Certification? Is there a test?
A: Full details can be found in this article. On a high level, you’ll be asked to self-report your progress (and that of your Heroic Buddy and/or Boat Crew!) via a survey.

Requirements for earning a certification are:

  • Complete all of the Coach Modules

  • Be an awesome Heroic Buddy and/or Boat Crew Mate

  • Practice the Seven Fundamentals (5/7 days per week)

  • Complete an Energetic Best Challenge (more on that below) 

And no, no test.

Q: What exactly are we supposed to be practicing on a daily basis?
A: The Fundamentals! Technically, behaviors that support us with living each Fundie…

Earlier in the program, we officially introduced three of the seven core Practices that operationalizes our Fundamentals:

  • 📖 Prosper: Complete the Carpe Diem Journal (or use the Heroic App)

  • 😴 Sleep: Turn off all electronics one hour before going to bed. (Aka: Digital Sunset)

  • 🎯 Focus: Meditate for eleven minutes.

More recently, we introduced two more:

  • 🥗 Eat: Follow a nutritional protocol that supports you in maintaining (or actively moving towards) a WHtR of ≤ 0.5

  • 🏃‍♀️ Move: 30 minutes of continuous movement or 10k steps (daily average over the course of a week).

And in the final ~100 days, we’ll be introducing the remaining two

  • 👃 Breathe: Train Optimal breathing patterns for at least three minutes a day.

  • 🙏 Celebrate: Complete a gratitude daily practice.


For now: Carpe Diem Journal (or the Daily Practice in the Heroic App) + Digital Sunset + 11 minutes of meditation + optimal nutritional protocol + 30 minutes of movement/10k steps.

Very soon: three minutes of breath training + daily gratitude practice.

Q: I understand we gathered for a Spartan Race earlier this year. Will that count to prove we’ve reached a new Energetic Best?
A: Absolutely!

If a Spartan Race is not within the realm of doable for you, however, or you don’t find it as inspiring as doing something else, no worries! You’re welcome to propose an alternative challenge. Here’s the framework for creating an alternative challenge:

Think of a physical challenge that:

  • Causes you to stretch your current capabilities (but not snap! 😄) 

  • Is something that requires (or required!) some degree of training and preparation 

  • Involves Community in some way. (We intentionally left this super open-ended, you can get creative with what that means to you.) 

Once you have a clearer picture of what that means for you, please fill out this short survey to let us know your plan. (Plus, promise us that — if your schedule permits — you WILL join us next time to do a Spartan Race together 😊). And if a Spartan Race is available where you live, you’re of course welcome to use that as your challenge. 💪

And… check out Brian offering feedback during Live Coaching on exactly that question! Replay here.

Note: if you have already filled out this survey to submit your Energetic Best Proposal, the team will be in touch soon - thank you!



This Week’s Actions (Recap)

  • Watch: Module VI: The Fundies – Part 4: Sleep (PDF of the poster + worksheets here), in which we learn that Sleep isn’t just a pillar of optimizing, it’s the foundation on which all of our fundamentals rest! (It’s also the most underappreciated way to change our lives.) We review what science says about the Top 10 Sleep Kryptonites (and how to minimize/eliminate each of them) before identifying the most important things we can do as we move from Theory to Practice to Sleep Mastery. 

  • Practice a 1+ hour Digital Sunset tonight. And tomorrow, and the next day, and…

  • Heroic App Connection: Move Module VI.4 into practice by dialing in your sleep protocol.

Sneak Peek of Next Week

Mastery Series: Module VI: The Fundies – Part 5: Breathe. We’ll be taking an 80/20 look at how to optimize our breath to create calm, focused energy. (Aka: Energized Tranquility!)

See You Next Week

-Michael + Team Heroic Coach

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