

Happy Friday.

How did your week go?

Did you take a moment to get clear on the suggested prompts from Monday’s email (#1 thing to START doing and #1 thing to STOP doing) and then put them into practice?

Theory → Practice → Mastery.

Let’s actually get more concrete by applying our post-performance protocol: the 1, 2, 3 Optimize process.

As you think about the past week…

1. What went well? What are you proud of?_________________________________________________
2. What needs work? What did you learn?
3. What does your best look like going forward?

Great work. 🙌

And… we’ve just passed the 2/3 mark of our 300-day program for your cohort, making it PERFECT timing for a meta-level 1, 2, 3 Optimize!

Please take a few moments to celebrate + reflect on your journey so far + share feedback here.

It’s a similar (though shorter!) reflection process that we went through around the 100-day mark.

Here’s to spiraling up into the next best versions of ourselves, individually and collectively!

This Week’s Actions (Recap):

  • Watch: Any required Mastery Series Videos, Coach Practices, or required wisdom found within your Coach Modules

  • Practice: What’s the #1 thing to START doing that would have the biggest positive impact on your life? What’s the #1 thing to STOP doing? ← DO THOSE

Sneak Peek of Next Week

Mastery Series: Module VI: The Fundies – Part 4: Sleep. Our journey through the Fundamentals continues with Sleep, which might actually be the foundation of our Energy and not just a pillar!

📱 Track your consistency on the Sleep Fundamental in the Heroic App by hitting the “Digital Sunset” target in your Energy protocol.

Let’s Make it a Great Week!

Love + Soul hugs + High fives 🙌

-Michael and Team Heroic Coach

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