Well done! 👏
You’ve officially made it through Module VI: The Fundamentals, and you only have one Module left to complete in the Heroic Coach Modules. 👏👏👏
We defined the game we’re playing (Eudaimonia via Areté / Flourish via Virtues In Action) and how to play it well! (Wisdom + Discipline + Courage + Love + Hope + Gratitude + Curiosity + Zest, moment-to-moment-to-moment closing the gap between who we’re CAPABLE of being and who we’re ACTUALLY being.)
We reminded ourselves that challenges are ALWAYS going to be part of the process but that we have what it takes to face them, for ourselves and in service to others, as we developed antifragile confidence + heroic courage + response-ability.
We met our Big 3 (x2), ((Energy + Work + Love) x (Identity + Virtues + Behaviors)), and worked to create Masterpiece Days (PM + AM + Energy + Work + Love!) and weeks.
We learned the science of self-mastery and how to use our willpower wisely to install habits that run on autopilot via algorithms.
We explored the Fundamentals (Eating + Moving + Sleeping + Breathing + Focusing + Celebrating + Prospering) as well as a key Practice for each that we’re (hopefully!) working to apply on a consistent (daily!) basis.
Up next, Module VII: Optimus You (!) where you’ll be defining and Practicing YOUR philosophy. 😄
But first…
This Week’s Actions (Recap)
Watch: Module VI: The Fundies - Part 8: Prosper (PDF of the poster + worksheets here.) In our final Module of The Fundamentals, we learn how to turn Pro and “go forward with hope.” We’ll build Optimus You, Public Benefit Corporation, with a personal Board of Directors and our daimons as CEO, before creating a 5-year prospectus and tracking our optimized investment strategy of profound dignity via Eudaimonic accounting.
Heroic App Connection: Our #1 Practice was Daily Investment & Profit ← a.k.a the Big 3 (x2) Carpe Diem Journal practice, with a 1, 2, 3 Optimize addition. 🙌
Sneak Peek of Next Week
Heroic Coach Modules: Module VII: Practice Your Philosophy. In the final installment of the Heroic Coach Modules, we’ll review everything we’ve explored so far before challenging you to go ALL IN on Practicing YOUR Philosophy.
Make it an Energizing Weekend!
-Michael + Team Heroic Coach |