
Hey, Hero!

Michael here. ✌️

Let's continue this note with a few little micro exercises, starting with a nice Flip-the-Switch as we embody the Heroic Best version of ourselves. Then…

What’s one thing that I’m feeling grateful for in this moment? ______________ 🙏


What’s one thing that I’m proud of from today? ______________ 🙌


Who is one person that had an impact on me recently? ______________ 🤗


What’s one thing I’ve done recently that created a feeling of meaning for me? ______________ 🌄


What’s one challenge I’m currently facing that might contain the seeds of my future potential? ______________ 💪


Here’s what’s happening this week in Heroic Coach.


  • Watch: Module VI: The Fundies - Part 2: Eat (PDF of the poster + worksheets here) in which we explore the importance of optimizing our nutrition to become (even more!) radiantly alive. We remind ourselves that there is no “the” way—especially for nutrition—while reviewing some pretty universal recommendations on what to eat (food!) and, even more importantly, what to avoid (edible food-like substances; aka ultra-processed sugar-laden pseudo foods that make us sick and tired!).

  • Heroic App Connection: Write yourself a Food Prescription! Then follow it. (And… consider doing a Pantry Purge as you implement the Heroic Food Rules.) 

Here’s to Optimizing Our Nutrition!

Love + Soul hugs + High fives 🙌

-Michael and Team Heroic Coach

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