
Hey, Hero!

Michael here. 👋


Now... we want to let you know that we are LOVING the responses that have started to come in from the ~100 day Feedback Survey that we sent out last week. If you’re feeling it, we’d super appreciate you taking a few minutes to celebrate + reflect on your journey so far + share your insights with us via that link above.

On that note…

Before we get to the Theory + Practice + Mastery components of this week, a question:

What are your Goals for the rest of the year?

Seriously. Pause. It’s worth the 5 or 10 or 15 or however many minutes it takes to get clarity.

Wave the wand. What would you love to accomplish in the coming weeks and months?! What do you want to use our work together in service towards?!

Energy-wise. Work-wise. Love-wise. What is it for you?

Maybe they’re the same ones you came into the program with. Maybe they’re something completely new.

Whatever those goals are, we encourage you to Dominate Your AM Bookend.


As before, no matter where you are on your Heroic Coach journey—how much Wisdom you’ve completed, how many Fundies you’re rocking, or how long you’ve been with us—join us in focusing your energy and attention on 👇


  • Watch: Module IV: Carpe Diem - Part 3: The AM Bookend (PDF of the poster + worksheets here.) With a solid PM Bookend installed, we’re ready to show up like a Boss in the morning—waking up feeling energized and ready to do some of our most important Big 3 goodness BEFORE we enter the world of inputs. We’ll begin installing a solid AM protocol, including a meditation and Carpe Diem telos practice and, if you can swing it with your idiosyncratic constraints, some Deep Work, Deep Energy, and Deep Love time blocks. 

  • Heroic App Connection: Move Module IV.3 into practice by adding the “Meditation” target to Energy protocol and the “Creative Before Reactive” target to your Work protocol.

Here’s to Winning the Day by WINning the AM

Love + Soul hugs + High fives 🙌

-Michael and Team Heroic Coach

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