

Happy Friday. Michael here, and given the introduction of one of our favorite tools this week, it feels appropriate to do a little Theory → Practice.


1 - What went well for you this week?

2 - What needed a little work?

3 - What are you going to do differently going forward?


This Week’s Actions (Recap)

  • Watch: Module II: Hero-ology - Part 2: Training & Tools (PDF of the poster + worksheets here.) We practiced our philosophy with intensity, learned basic orienteering, and equipped ourselves with ready-at-hand tools for the journey, including a Virtue Compass, Heroic Healing Balm, Hero Pills, Secret Weapons, Hero Fires, Pearls, Hope Maps, and Hero Bars.

  • Practice: The #1 Practice to focus on this week is our 1, 2, 3 Optimize process. Do it daily, with as little as a one word response for each of the 3 questions, or spend more time with it. (I personally do this at the end of the day, but choose whatever time works best for you!) As always, check out the Practice video for the details.

  • Heroic App Connection: Learn how to add the “Eat a Challenge Like an Energy Bar” target to your Heroic protocol, plus, suggested prompts for how to share your insights from this module on Heroic social.

Sneak Peek of Next Week

Mastery Series: Off week! There will not be a new Coach Module released. (Reminder: we release new modules on a two-week on, one-week off basis.) You can use the Journey Map to see where we’re headed after next week.

Live Coaching: For the most up-to-date live call information for all live sessions, please be sure to add the Heroic Coach Calendar to your calendar.

See You Next Week

-Michael + Team Heroic Coach

P.S. As promised, my answers to the pop quiz: (and WOW, this ended up being both A) more involved than I thought it would be and B) way more copy than I thought it would be!)

1 - Eudaimonia: A deep sense of joyful flourishing that comes from expressing the best version of myself, both for its own sake and in service to others/the world at large.

2 - Areté: The moment-to-moment opportunity to express the best version of myself and close the gap between who I’m CAPABLE of being and who I’m ACTUALLY being.

3 - Daimon: The part of me that’s not actually “me” in the traditional sense but a part of something greater than myself (and connected to the same within everyone else). It guides and encourages me to take part in the process of creating more beauty, joy, love, and growth in the world. My job is to connect to it and allow it to express itself through me to the greatest degree that I can.

4 - Hero: Someone who’s willing to do the hard work in order to have strength for two. They’re driven by love and committed to serving a higher purpose.

5 - Virtue: Qualities universally recognized as representing the best within us.

6 - Wisdom: Knowing the game I’m playing: what’s within my control and what isn’t.

7 - Discipline: The ability to ACTUALLY do what I know I’m CAPABLE of doing (and know to be best for me).

8 - Courage: The ability to take action in the presence of fear.

9 - Love: The wonder, grace, beauty, and joy from sharing this life with beings other than myself.

10 - Hope: The ability to see a future that’s better than the present, made up of a clear target (Goal!) plus my belief in my power to hit that target (Agency) and the willingness to explore as many pathways as it takes until I do (Pathways.) The tied-for-2nd virtue most highly correlated with well-being.  

11 - Gratitude: Appreciation for the plentiful gifts (big and small!) I’ve been given, including (and most importantly!) the opportunity to take another breath and live another day. The other tied-for-2nd virtue most highly correlated with well-being.

12 - Curiosity: The ability to remain joyfully open to life, seeing what’s working and what needs work without any sense of guilt, shame, blame, etc.

13 - Zest: Energy! Life force. The #1 virtue most highly correlated with well-being.

14 - Antifragile: I learn from “failure” and grow stronger from getting knocked down or falling short.

15 - Confidence: Intense trust in my ability to do what I saw I will do + respond appropriately to any situation life gives me—regardless of the outcome.

16 - Protocol: a set of behaviors designed (and tested + validated!) to create a desired outcome.

17 - Response-Ability: the ability to (and loving DEMAND to!) pro-actively choose an empowered response (or intentional spontaneity) to life, rather than reacting impulsively and sub-optimally.

18 - Emotional Stamina: the ability to get myself to do what I know needs to be done, regardless of how I feel about it. The worse I feel, the more committed I am to my protocol. And the better I feel, the more committed I am to my protocol.

19 - Exonerated: the idea that at some point, I will be absolved from having to put forth any effort and that everything will be easy. 😄 (Never!)

20 - Challenges: = opportunities to rub my hands together, say “bring it on!” and grow stronger! OMMS

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