
Hey, Hero!

Happy Monday, and welcome to Module V: Algorithms, otherwise known as Self-Mastery 101.

Over the next 4 segments (The Big Picture + Install + Delete + Power Algorithms) we’re going to apply the best of Behavioral Design to become masters at using our Willpower wisely to install Habits that run on autopilot via Algorithms.

Note: you’ll hear that sentence 👆 (or some iteration of it) on repeat throughout this module.

Let’s use our Willpower wisely to install Habits that run on autopilot via Algorithms.

Let’s use our Willpower wisely to install Habits that run on autopilot via Algorithms.

Let’s use our Willpower wisely to install Habits that run on autopilot via Algorithms.




  • Watch: Module V: Algorithms - Part 1: The Big Picture. (PDF of the poster + worksheets here.) In which we learn how to install and delete algorithms (aka habits!) that will make it easy for you to show up as your best self. We need to get really good at using our willpower wisely to install great habits that run on autopilot so we can give the world all we’ve got. We’ll master this process as we create our first set of algorithms and start thinking about our Top 10 Power Algorithms we want running the show.

  • Heroic App Connection: Move Module V.1 into practice by putting your algorithms into action. Additionally, engage the 100 Algorithms reflection. This is a crazy powerful practice. Set aside a bit longer for this one (30-60 minutes) and have fun identifying your Top 100/Top 10!

Here’s to…

Using our Willpower wisely to install Habits that run on autopilot via Algorithms.


Love + Soul hugs + High fives 🙌

-Michael and Team Heroic Coach

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