(36 HOURS!!) What do YOU want to create?!
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Michael here. 🙌

On Friday, I sent a note about making a COMMITMENT to your potential by getting your ticket to join us at our Certified Heroic Workshop Instructor training and Heroic Philosopher’s Experience in Athens!

Today, we’ll chat about HOW that ticket will help you to forge excellence, activate your Heroic potential, fulfill your destiny, and change the world with us!

(Plus increase your impact and income!)

But first…

I also mentioned that one of the reasons EARLY BIRD pricing is ending on Monday (11:59pm CT!) is because Jana is currently heading to Athens to finalize venues.

Literally. Right now!!!

This was her around 1pm yesterday afternoon.

And here’s the current view out of her window as she flies over some of the Greek islands.

By the time you read this, she’ll be on the ground and on her way to meeting our local event team to visit locations to finalize our venue and itinerary.

We've narrowed them down to a few options, including one that has a max capacity of 150 (some of the best locations are also the smallest!), and sent her there NOW to personally evaluate sites ahead of our deadline to lock in locations.

Note: If we end up going with the smaller option, we’ll already be nearly 50% FULL! (🤯)


If you’re fired up about the possibility of joining us in Athens for a once-in-a-lifetime Heroic Workshop Instructor Training and Philosopher’s Experience, head here to apply today!

And grab your ticket by 11:59pm CT on Monday, June 17th to SAVE $1,000 with Early Bird $6,999 $5,999 pricing.

~36 HOURS! 🤓

Note2: If you buy your ticket before Early Bird ends, you’re guaranteed a spot. If you wait until after Early Bird ends, and we end up going with the smaller venue, space isn’t guaranteed.


Back to the HOW I mentioned in the intro.

Meet Jeff Everage.

Jeff has played a pivotal role in both our Heroic Workshop Instructor training and our new 1-on-1 Heroic Performance Coaching program.

(LOVE and appreciate you DEEPLY, sir! 🫡)

Here we are leading last month’s Heroic Workshop Instructor training event in Austin.

Jeff is a Heroic Coach, a Heroic Coach Luminary Faculty Member, a Heroic Investor, a former Navy SEAL, and the Founder + CEO of Trident who also spends his time teaching CEOs and executive teams how to take their presentation skills and performance to the next level in high-pressure situations. (Think: pitching billion (with a b!!!) dollar contracts.)

Note: Coaches, make sure to check out the powerful Luminary Guest Faculty session Jeff and I did last October that was all about how to build a coaching business!


Based on his experience as a Level 2 Wim Hof instructor, Jeff is also a HUGE proponent of using workshops as an asset for business building.

They’re a PERFECT way to give people (or organizations!) an easy, digestible, and powerful experience of who you are and the kind of transformation you can help them create.

You can do a workshop offline or online, in small or large groups, in personal or professional settings, over a few hours or a few days, and at a price point that’s both accessible and scalable.

Plus, delivering a world-class, life-changing experience over the course of a few hours is a FANTASTIC way to create new 1-on-1 or group coaching clients.


We decided that it was finally time to officially launch Heroic Workshops!

We also decided to bring Jeff on board to help make sure that our Workshop Instructor training was truly next level, and that we were creating EVERYTHING you’d need to be able to deliver a world-class Heroic Workshop experience.

All to help you become an official Heroic Local Leader and expand your impact…

While also having an additional tool to create income and to build or expand your Coaching practice (if that’s your thing!) using Heroic Workshops.

In March, we hand-picked 11 Heroic Coaches to join us for an intimate event in Chicago, where they were trained to be our first group of Workshop Instructor Trainer candidates.

Over the next two months, they all got reps leading Heroic Workshops in their local communities, while also helping us iterate the specific content and timing with tons of real-world feedback.

Fun: One of the people from that group made ~$1,000 in ticket sales for a Heroic Workshop with a single email to her (small but engaged) email list. 🥳


In April, via Zoom, we gathered virtually with the 100+ people who had signed up to join us in Austin for our first official Heroic Workshop Instructor Training event.

We met once a week as a full group for training, plus conducted optional small-group sessions and additional practices to build momentum in between sessions.

All so we could hit the ground RUNNING in Austin.

And we did.

Over three days, with a mix of full-group sessions and small group breakouts (10-12 people each) led by our 11 Trainer candidates, over 100+ people from 13+ countries around the world learned how to deliver transformational Heroic Workshop experiences in their local communities.

We knew that the content of the workshop itself was strong, based on feedback and the real-world reps.

(Fun aside: Brian and I used custom components of our Heroic Workshop in our work last week with Notre Dame football and the Chicago Bulls. They LOVED it!!! ☘️ 🐂)

We also knew that the instructor candidates would learn the skills they’d need to facilitate a world-class workshop, no matter what the content was, and get enough reps on those skills to feel confident going out and delivering in the real world.

What we didn’t know was just how transformational the experience of getting trained ITSELF would be.


Check out some of the stories we’ve already shared here. And this:

“It will help you live into your full potential. It will help you flourish, as we like to say. Being able to hear from others and their perspective on some of these ideas and concepts has helped open it up fresh for me. It's been amazing.

Do it. It's worth the time. It's worth the investment.”

Kevin Gilbert

Certified Heroic Coach, Class I Heroic Workshop Instructor

Kevin!!! 🙏


As we’ve said in earlier emails (and on the main Athens event page), for our next Heroic Workshop Instructor Training event, we’re starting with what we did in Austin and taking it to an even HIGHER level.

Which brings us back to where we started…

HOW will a ticket to Athens help you to forge excellence, activate your Heroic potential, fulfill your destiny, and change the world with us?!


You will gain more clarity on what you want to create in and with your life.

You will gain greater confidence in your ability to make that vision a reality.

You’ll also:

(a) Be trained on how to lead and deliver Certified Heroic Workshops, from three-hour events up to full weekend experiences, as stand-alone events you’re hosting or part of corporate training packages, and more.

(b) Connect with other members of our community in a deeper way than ever before. Think: off-site group activities, shared meals, tons of small group interactions, etc.

(c) Increase your capacity to create revenue and impact through Heroic Workshops, with everything you need to fill seats (think marketing assets like photos, testimonials, copy, and inclusion in a Heroic promoted workshop calendar) facilitate transformation (exercises, slides, participant packets) and make money (strategic guidance, suggested pricing, etc.).

Note: If you lead 47 people in a 3-hour workshop @ $150 each, that’s $7,050.

(d) Learn how to use Heroic Workshops as powerful lead-generation assets for your 1-1 or group Coaching / Consulting / Training business (if that’s your thing)!

(e) Become a special part of a special group of our first wave of Local Leaders Certified Heroic Workshop Instructors. Anyone who was in Heroic Coach — Class I or II knows how incredible this is!

(f) Be empowered with additional, ongoing support (from Heroic and your peers) to help you leverage and apply your training to CONTINUE increasing your revenue and impact over time as a foundational Heroic leader in your local community.


You’ll get some exclusive, next-level Heroic gear, so you look and feel awesome when you’re helping people transform their lives at your Heroic Workshops 😎

And oh yeah…

We’re going to be traversing 5,000 years of human civilization and the roots of ancient wisdom in ATHENS, walking and studying and moving from Theory to Practice to Mastery as a “warrior of the mind” (not a mere librarian) in the same places that Zeno founded Stoicism and that Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle all walked and taught and practiced.

Plus be guided through Athens by world-leading modern-day Stoic philosophers: Brian Johnson and Donald Robertson (world-leading expert on Stoicism, author of How to Think Like a Roman Emperor, and founder of the Plato's Academy Centre).


That’s more than enough for today.


Is TODAY the day you take the next steps to activating your Heroic potential as a Certified Heroic Workshop Instructor?!

Expanding your impact and income as a Local leader?!

Early Bird (and guaranteed space!) ends after 11:59pm CT on Monday, June 17th.

Apply to join us, TODAY!

~36 HOURS! 🤓

Fired up.

Day 1.

All in.

-Michael and Team Heroic

P.S. Got questions? Want to talk with someone about it?! Just reply to this email or book a call with us here.

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