

Michael here.

Let’s start today’s note with some gratitude:

Thank you for being a part of this community (🙏) and for being IN THE GAME as we all strive to more and more consistently express the Optimus (= Best = Eudaimōn = Hērō) version of ourselves so that we can more fully serve our families, the communities we’re a part of, and the world at large.


Here’s how we’ve been working to do that a little better this week.

This Week’s Actions (Recap)

  • Watch: Module IV: Carpe Diem — Part 5: Work (PDF of the poster + worksheets here.) With our Energy Optimized, we’re ready to go Deep and give ourselves most fully to the world via deep, meaningful work. We’ll talk about how to go Deep, discover our idiosyncratic rhythms and track our awesomeness via our Carpe Diem journal. Whether you’re a startup CEO or a stay-at-home supermom, we’ll be creating a ton of flow via deliberate, intentional, deep and meaningful work.

  • Heroic App Connection:   Move Module IV.5 into practice by adding the "#1 Most Important WIN" target to your Work protocol.

Sneak Peek of Next Week

Mastery Series: Module IV: Carpe Diem – Part 6: Love. We'll get to redefine Love and set some fun daily targets as we master Love 0.0, Love 1.0, Love 2.0, Love 3.0, Love 8.0 and Love ∞.0.  

Make It a Curiosity-Filled Weekend!

-Michael + Team Heroic Coach

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