

Congratulations on completing your first week of Heroic Coach!


At the end of each week, we’ll send a short Wrap Up note (like this one) highlighting important actions from the week, and taking a quick look at what to expect in the following week.

Three quick things before we dive in: 

  1. If you’re pressed for time, simply focus on the Weekly Actions

  2. Some of these emails, especially at the beginning of the program, are longer. We want to make sure you have a full grasp of all that’s available to you. And, if they’re not your style, see step #1. 

  3. We have featured a Week 1 FAQ at the bottom of this email.

Now, some more quick logistical notes:

Luminary Coaching Calls
Several times each month we welcome members of our world-class Luminary Guest Faculty to share their wisdom (and guidance!) with us.

To get the most out of these Luminary sessions, we recommend checking out the PNs and +1s that feature their work. And, of course, bring your Heroic Best self to the party!

Live Coaching
We encourage you to try to join at least one of the Live Coaching calls every month, either with Brian, me, Alexandra, or one of our Luminary Guest Faculty.

Coming together in community to train with one another via Live Coaching is a powerful way to move from Theory to Practice to Mastery. By learning from each other, gaining encouragement and inspiration, and connecting as a community, we collectively accelerate our progress toward becoming the best versions of ourselves.


At the beginning of every month (or whatever cadence works best for you!) take a look at the upcoming Live Coaching calls (found here) and identify either the dates/times that work best for you or the Luminary faculty member you’re excited to prioritize connecting with.

Then, join us! Perhaps even submit a request for Live Coaching!

On that note, here are some prompts that can help you shape a great Live Coaching request: 

  • What opportunity am I excited to lean into?

  • What challenge am I currently facing?

  • What am I avoiding?

  • What skill or area of my life am I excited to take to the next level?

Additional Content Types (Plus Program Navigation Tips)
Again, the foundation of our program is the Coach Modules and this is your primary focus for the program.

Live + Luminary Coaching are meant to supplement your Coach Modules.

As you make your way through the wisdom found in your Coach Modules, always ask yourself: “What is really resonating?!”

Pick one thing each week to move from Theory to Practice to Mastery on, and do it.


Whew! Well done!

And now…

This Week’s Actions (Recap)

  • Watch: Module O: Optimize = Optimus = Best = Eudiamon = Hērō. (PDF of the poster + worksheets here.) In the introduction to the Heroic Mastery Series and Heroic Coach program, we learn the process for expressing the Optimize = Optimus = Best = Eudaimon = Hero versions of ourselves more and more consistently, closing the gap between who we’re CAPABLE of being and who we’re ACTUALLY being and giving the world all we’ve got.

  • Practice: Flip the Switch (all day every day!) and run The Ultimate Optimizing Algorithm

  • Heroic App Connection: Learn how to add the “Live with Areté” to your Heroic protocol, plus, how to introduce yourself on Heroic social. (Be sure to use #classxxiii when you do!)

Sneak Peek of Next Week

Heroic Coach Modules: We’re heading into Module I: Eudaimonology, in which we’ll define the game that we're playing, hang out with Aristotle, Abraham Maslow and Martin Seligman, discover that the word “psychology” literally means “the study of the soul” and commit to studying what a “good soul” (aka eudaimonia) looks like as we, most importantly, learn how to master the process of high-fiving our inner souls all day every day by operationalizing virtue.

Module I: On web, Eudaimonology will be released on Sunday at 12:00am EST. 

Though Module I (and all future Modules) are already available to you via the Heroic App, we'd recommend you don't push too far ahead of where we are in the program.

Live Coaching Next Week
Again, please add our coach calendar (here) to YOUR calendar and join us when you can.

Well Done!!!
Love + Soul hugs 🤗 + High fives.

-Michael + Heroic Coach

P.S. Have you seen the Heroic Coach Journey Map? You can check that out here.

Week 1 FAQ

Is there a timeline as to when we should finish each module content for a given week or month? How should I pace myself?
On the web, new Coach Modules are unlocked on the web two out of every three weeks. Module O is the focus for Week 1, and Module I will be the focus for Week 2. Then, we have an off week. So, we would recommend aiming to complete both Module O and Module I by the end of week 3.

Are the live calls recorded for replay if I can’t join live?
Yes! You will find the recordings on your Coach Dashboard and in the Heroic App (see below) within 24 hours of a session ending. 

Are some of the modules supposed to be locked?
If you're using the Web experience you will notice that new Coach Modules unlock two out of every three weeks. We’re intentionally slowing you down so that you can invest the time needed to practice what you’re learning.

How much time per week do you recommend blocking off for the Heroic Coach program?
~3 hours per week.

The typical Coach Module contains:

  • 1 Mastery Series Video, which is 45-75 minutes long. (Except for Module O, which is the longest!) 

  • 2-3 required Coach Practices. You’ll spend 10-20 minutes a week learning about these. For Module O, the required practice is Flip the Switch, which takes ~ 15 seconds. Throughout the program, we’ll incrementally build in seven fundamental practices which required ~45 minute investment today. (Those who have completed the program have told us that this is the single best investment they make in themselves, and that these fundamental practices help them to be more energized, productive, and connected.)

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