
Hey, Hero!

Michael here. ✌️

After last week’s focus on STARTING the habits we think will be most beneficial to us, this week we move on to STOPPING the habits that we know are no longer serving us.

Let’s get right to it:


  • Watch: Module V: Algorithms - Part 3: Delete. (PDF of the poster + worksheets here.) In which we make it really, really hard to do the bad habits that we know don't serve us, identify the #1 habit that will have the most positive impact on our lives if we STOP doing it, and delete it.

  • App Connection Video: Move Module V.3 into practice by identifying the #1 behavior that you want to work on DELETING, and stop doing it! Make the prompt Invisible, the behavior Hard, and run Needs Work when you fall short. (See Module V.3 for more info.)

Here’s to Removing the Behaviors That Don’t Serve Us

Love + Soul hugs + High fives 🙌

-Michael and Team Heroic Coach

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