
Hey, Hero!

Michael here. ✌️

And Happy Monday!

Before we dive into the rest of the email, we wanted to invite you to check out the new Heroic App Connection practice videos.

These videos will help you take the Theory and Practice from the Mastery Series and integrate it into your Heroic Protocol… so you can more consistently DO the things that support you in showing up as your best self and moving towards Mastery.

(Plus, recommendations on social post content and hashtags to go along with each week’s content.)


Here's the Heroic App Connection for Module O: Where Michael walks you through how to add the "Live with Areté" target to your Heroic Protocol, and, how you can share what living with Areté means to YOU on Heroic social. #livewitharete #classxxi


Here’s the Heroic App Connection for Module I: Where Michael walks you through how to add the “Practice Gratitude & Appreciation” target to your protocol, and, how you can add your Top 5 Unique Virtues (that you discovered through this practice) to your profile on Heroic social. #viatopfive #gratitude #classxxi

Nice work. 🙌


There are no new Coach Modules being released this week, so, enjoy the space for completing Module O or Module I.

And, of course, continue to Flip-the-Switch and embody that Optimus Best version of yourself (Module O) and put your Top 5 Unique Virtues into action (Module I).

Let’s make it a great week! 👇


Live Calls:

For the most up-to-date live call information for all live sessions, please be sure to add the Heroic Coach Calendar to your calendar.

Let's Close the Gap

Between who we're CAPABLE of being and who we're ACTUALLY being, one thought/word/action/moment at a time.

Love + Soul hugs + High fives 🙌

-Michael and Team Heroic Coach

P.S. As you already know being a participant in Class XXI, you have the opportunity to join an optional, 5-7 person “Boat Crew” for additional encouragement and accountability.

This short survey will let us know what you’re looking for (and not looking for!) from your Boat Crew, as well as preferred days and times that work best for you to connect.

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