Catch up with any program emails you've missed here!
Michael here again (👋), President + Head Coach at Heroic.
This note will be shorter than our last email, where we outlined the three actions we’d love for you to take by the end of week 1.
Today, we’d love to tell you more about Live Coaching in the Heroic Dojo.
Live Coaching in the Heroic DojoUp to 10x each month, you have the opportunity to virtually connect for Live Coaching with me, Heroic Co-Founder Alexandra, or one of our brilliant Luminary Guest Faculty members in our Soul Force Forge. ⚡
(For more on why we call it a Soul Force Forge, check out this
→ Live Coaching Calls are a GREAT way to connect with the community plus get personal feedback on applying the program to YOUR life. ←
You can learn more about Brian, Michael, Alexandra, and our Luminary Guest Faculty members here.
And, in order to stay up-to-date for ALL sessions, please add the following calendar to YOUR calendar so that you can join us in the Heroic Dojo:
The Heroic Coach Calendar.
These Live Coaching sessions are optional (but highly encouraged!) chances to move more deeply from Theory to Practice to Mastery and APPLY the Heroic protocol and philosophy to our lives.
Starting in Week 1, we’ll send you an email each week that provides a preview of what’s on tap for the week, and a recap of what happened the week prior.
To join any Live Coaching calls, you’ll need to download the most up-to-date version of Zoom, and then create an account.
Once you join the call, please update your Zoom
name to: FIRST LAST C21. (For example, Michael Balchan C21 (for Class XXI)
And, please take a moment to read our Community Guidelines here.
Hope to see YOU in the Heroic Dojo soon.
Let’s. Do. This!!!
-Michael and Team Heroic
P.S. Any questions? We’re here for you, simply reply to this (or any) email we send and we'll be in touch.