

Happy Friday.

Earlier today, I was reflecting on how amazingly powerful it is to consistently come back to the same ideas over and over and over again.

Like: What’s the #1 thing that I can do to improve Energy-wise? (Knowing that our Energy drives our Work and our Love and… everything!)

And: How can *I* respond differently to this situation? (Knowing that the only thing we can actually control is ourselves!)

And: What do I want? Followed by What’s important now? (Asking those questions = practicing Targeting 🎯 as we maintain a neutral mindset about what is.)

This Week’s Actions (Recap)

  • Watch: Module V: Algorithms - Part 4: Top 10 Power Algorithms. (PDF of the poster + worksheets here.) After asking the important question of "What variable are we Optimizing for?," we explore The Top 10 Optimize Power Algorithms we can use to create a higher probability of living in alignment with our Daimons.

  • Practice: Continue to embody the Optimus Best version of yourself in Energy, Work, and Love. Step into the gap between stimulus and response and close the gap between who you’re CAPABLE of being and who you’re ACTUALLY being.

  • Connect with your Heroic Buddy. 

Heroic Buddy Prompts
1 - Which of the Top 10 Power Algorithms will make the biggest impact if you put it into practice?
2 - How can I support you in installing that 👆 algorithm?
3 - What algorithm is not used as consistently as you’d like?

Sneak Peek of Next Week

Mastery Series: Module VI: The Fundies – Part 1: The Big Picture. We’re kicking off our longest Module yet and starting our exploration of the Fundamentals: Eating, Moving, Sleeping, Breathing, Focusing, Celebrating, and Prospering. 

Live Coaching: For the most up-to-date live call information for all live sessions, please be sure to add the Heroic Coach Calendar to your calendar.

Have a Fantastic Weekend!
-Michael + Team Heroic Coach

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