Hey, Hero!
Michael here. ✌️ Happy Monday.
Let’s do a quick Reflection before hitting this week’s look ahead.
1 - What was the best part of your day so
far? 2 - What’s one thing you’re grateful for from the past week? 3 - What’s one lesson you learned recently? 4 - What’s one thing you can do better going forward? 5 - What’s your #1 WIN for today? (Or tomorrow?)
Nice work.
Here’s what’s happening this week in Heroic Coach. Actions:
Heroic Buddy Prompts 1 - Which Big Ideas have resonated with you most strongly so far? 2 - Which Practice have you had the most success installing, and why? 3 - What’s one way that you positively contributed to someone else recently? Live Calls For the most up-to-date live call information for all live sessions, please be sure to add the Heroic Coach Calendar to your calendar.
Let’s Flip-the-Switch All day, every day.
Love + Soul hugs + High fives 🙌
-Michael and Team Heroic Coach